Sunday, September 20, 2009

Apartheid Haunts South Africa's Schools

Ceila, Dugger. "Apartheid Haunts South Africa's Schools."

This video clip shows a high school in South Africa and interviews several students who attend there. The students talk about their dreams and the things they aspire to become thanks to a good education. Unfortunately, schools in South Africa struggle. Many because of a lack of good educators. Teachers often come to school late, or not at all, and are not held accountable for their absence. They don't seem to have any passion for teaching, or dedication to the students. Despite this, students have still found ways to fight for their dreams. One girl interviewed, had no family whatsoever. Her parents and older sister had died from AIDS. Yet she had an incredibly cheerful and positive about life and achieving her dreams.

It amazes me how positive the students in S. Africa are. So many of them have suffered from losing loved ones, many have no families at all and are completely on their own, and yet they still remain so positive and hopeful. They haven't given up, but rather they keep their dreams close to them and continually aim for great things.

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